Family Supports Waiver

The Family Supports Waiver is new, effective September 1, 2012. It was previously called the Support Services Waiver. This Waiver was created to offer more flexibility in services and allow for individuals with developmental disabilities to remain at home with their families as long as possible.

The annual CAP for this waiver is currently $26,482. Annually, $2275 is automatically allocated for Case Management Services. The remainder of the funds can be used for services deemed most appropriate by the consumer, family, and/or legal guardian(s).

We offer the following services on this waiver:

  • Day Habilitation (Individual and Group) 
  • Participant Assistance and Care (PAC)
    • Participant Assistance and Care (PAC) services are provided in order to allow participants (consumers) with intellectual/developmental disabilities to remain and live successfully in their own homes, function and participate in their communities, and avoid institutionalization. PAC services support and enable the participant in activities of daily living, self-care, and mobility with the hands-on assistance, prompting reminders, supervision, and monitoring needed to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of the participant.
  • Respite Services (RSPO)
    • Respite care services are services provided to participants unable to care for themselves. Respite care services are furnished on a short-term basis in order to provide temporary relief to those unpaid persons normally providing care. Respite can be provided in the participant’s home or place of residence, in the respite caregiver’s home, in a camp setting, in a DDRS-approved day habilitation facility, or in a non-private residential setting (such as a respite home).

Community Integration and Habilitation Waiver

The Community Integration and Habilitation Waiver was created, effective September 1, 2012. Previously it was referred to as the Developmental Disabilities Waiver or the Autism Waiver. These have both been combined to create this waiver.

This waiver is based on the needs of the individual and the individual’s ALGO Level. There is no annual CAP, but rather funding is based on a series of assessments (which determines a person’s ALGO level). Typically, this waiver allows an individual to live on his/her own or with roommates in the community, and receive staff support as well. The person may also choose to remain living in his/her family home too.

There is no longer a waiting list for this waiver, rather emergency criteria is the only qualifying factor at this point. Qualification for this waiver is based on the following emergency criteria:

  • The primary caregiver is 80 years of age or older.
  • Loss of primary caregiver.
  • Extraordinary health and safety risk.
  • Evidence of abuse or neglect in the current institutional or home placement.

We offer the following services on this waiver:

  • Residential and Habilitation Services (RHSO)
    • Respite care services are services provided to participants unable to care for themselves. Respite care services are furnished on a short-term basis in order to provide temporary relief to those unpaid persons normally providing care. Respite can be provided in the participant’s home or place of residence, in the respite caregiver’s home, in a camp setting, in a DDRS-approved day habilitation facility, or in a non-private residential setting (such as a respite home).
      • Residential Habilitation and Support – Daily (RHS Daily) services provide up to a full day (24-hour basis) of services and supports which are designed to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of the participant. Daily services assist with the acquisition, improvement, and retention of skills necessary to support individuals to live successfully in their own homes; acquire and enhance natural supports; and become integrated and participate in their larger community. Services are designed to help individuals acquire and improve their self-help, socialization, and adaptive skills. Services should be directed toward increasing and maintaining natural supports, physical, intellectual, emotional, and social functioning, and full community participation.
  • Community Habilitation (Individual and Group)
  • Respite Services (RSPO)